Hello everyone, welcome to Supercy, and welcome to my brand new website!
This is my very first blog post on this site which obviously I’m very excited about. In this post I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and about what Supercy is.
Percy Jules
My name is Percy Jules, I am a composer, songwriter and producer, and I’m the founder of Supercy.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been very passionate about music. Whether it is just listening to songs, composing, writing lyrics, mixing, producing or just about everything related to music, I’ve always felt drawn to it.
And for a long time I’ve also felt a strong urge to somehow share my passion with the world. That is why eventually I decided to create an outlet for every musical idea or experience I had and wanted to share, and I named it Supercy.
What does Supercy have to offer?
Music is an ever evolving phenomenon to which we all, in one way or another, contribute. Supercy is my way of contributing. It is meant to inspire, and it also offers some services to help get engaged in music creation.
Supercy offres to create:
- complete songs for singers and instrumentalists
- music for lyricists that are looking to create complete songs based on their lyrics
- beats for rappers
- theme music for video artists, game developers, animators, advertising agencies etc.
- tutorials
- tips
- enthusiasm and fun
Okay, that is a little bit about me and about Supercy. In closing I would like to say that I feel very honoured about you visiting my website. Hope to see you again soon!