Nova by TDR | Free Dynamic Equalizer

Nova by Tokyo Dawn Records is a plugin that has been around for a while now. Tokyo Dawn Records have labeled this plugin as a parallel dynamic equalizer. In this video, I will talk about how I tend to use this plugin, and I will also talk a little bit about some other...

3rd Party Plugins in Studio One | v5 Update

In an earlier video, I’ve discussed the possibilities of using 3rd party plugins in Studio One.(Check the video here: ) With the release of Studio One version 5, some things regarding this subject have changed. In this video, I...

Simple Concept by Krotos | Review

Simple Concept is a synthesizer plugin by Krotos. In this video, I’ll talk about what Simple Concept is, what the basic idea behind it is, and how it works. Also, I will demonstrate some of the sounds Simple Concept comes with, and I will discuss the controls it...

ADSR Explained

ADSR is one of the most used acronyms in music production.In this video, I’m going to explain what people mean when they talk about ADSR.I will also show a few examples of how changing some ADSR-settings can influence any...

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