How to install plugins in Studio One

by | Jul 16, 2017 | Exploring Studio One

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  1. Gerry

    Hi. I just viewed your 10/28/2019 YouTube video on “Plugin Installation Issues (Solved)” and was hoping you had a suggestion. After my Windows 10 computer restarted, most of the VST plugins I use (which came with Studio One 3.5) disappeared from the plugin list. The names (i.e., Presence, Sample One, etc.) remain, but there is no longer a drop-down menu with instrument types, etc. Reset Blacklist did nothing and my version of Studio One does not have a Plugins Manager option under “View.” So all songs with virtual instruments are now silent even though the tracks still show the notes and indicate a signal is generated. They are apparently pointing to a plugin sound that no longer exists in the computer or in the assigned folder C:/Program Files/Vstplugins (which I can’t even find). If the plugins were moved, how can I find them? My “Recent Files” list also became empty and the system asked me to agree to their terms and conditions – which I obviously did when I bought the software. Does anyone have a clue how I can retrieve all my lost sounds? I am absolutely befuddled and stressed, and I would appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide. Thank you. Gerry

    • Percy

      Hi Gerry,

      It sounds like you’re still able to open your songs, which means that the Studio One file folders are still there, and also the plugins themselves are still there.
      However, It seems like the folder that holds the samples that the stock instrument plugins use is lost or at least isn’t found.
      These samples are stored in a folder usually called Sound Sets.

      My suggestion is to first open Studio One, open “options” (under the Studio One menu), then go to “Locations” and then choose “Sound Sets”. That should reveal the location(s) where Studio One is searching for the Sound Sets.
      Check if you can actually find the sounds in that location, using Windows file explorer. If not, then I’d suggest doing a search for them, again using Windows file explorer.

      If your Sound Sets are actually gone, you can still download them from the Presonus website. Just login to your account and you should be able to find them.

      I really hope this helps!

      • Gerry

        Hi Percy,

        My profound thanks for your reply! Yes, I am able to open the songs and the track information is still there – just no sounds associated with the instrument tracks. As a test, I re-downloading the Presence Bass plugins available from my PreSonus account and when I did, apparently ALL the Presence sounds (bass, piano, strings, woodwinds, etc.) reappeared in my list of virtual instruments. I later followed your instructions and looked in Options>Locations>Soundsets, and the system gave me two locations: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PreSonus\Studio One\Sound Sets, and C:\Users\gdilo\Documents\Studio One\Sound Sets. Neither of these exactly match folders in my computer, but I did find the Presence sound sets (and some others) in C:\Documents\Studio One\Sound sets.

        Someone suggested that I check the “VST Plugins” tab under “Locations” which shows a location of C:\Program Files\Vstplugins, but I didn’t see any “Vstplugins” folder under that Program Files folder (or anywhere else), so, being technologically-challenged, I was still confused (as usual).

        Your suggestions allowed me to find the location of the Presence sound sets. I’m just concerned they may suddenly disappear if I turn-off or restart my computer (which is what happened when Windows did an automatic restart). But in the meantime, since I can currently use them, I’m converting all those instrument tracks to audio. So if something similar re-occurs, I should still have an audio/analog version of those tracks (if I’m not mistaken).

        Once again, I thank you VERY much for your instructions and suggestions!

        Kind Regards,

        • Percy

          No problem, Gerry


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